Plater Group deliver crucial supply of sodium nitrate

Against all odds Plater Group made a successful delivery to their customer based in Southern Germany during the festive period.
The order for 24 tonnes of sodium nitrate was scheduled for delivery to their customer for 30th December.
Plater Group’s last contact with the haulage company before the seasonal shutdown on 23rd December revealed the consignment was held up with 3,000 other vehicles at Manston Airport in Ramsgate, making it unlikely to arrive at the customers by the proposed delivery date.
Calls were made by the MD of Plater Group during the festive period. On 26th December news arrived the vehicle had arrived at the Dutch office and would be at the customers by the promised date - 30th December.
The customer, a glass manufacturer, was kept informed throughout as they were relying on delivery to maintain production, keeping their furnaces in operation in order to meet their deadlines.
Plater Group MD said “We are delighted the product arrived on time, despite the delays, this shows that by working with reliable suppliers who care about customer service and delivery is of paramount importance especially in these uncertain times.”
If you would like more information about the products or services Plater Group can provide please click here.